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Pohengamook au Lac de l'est? Passable?

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Des gars sur ADV Rider essaie de savoir si ça passe. Ils ont essayer l'an passé mais sans succes, leur track avait disparu.


On last summer's trip, we were trying to get from Pohenegamook, QC to East Lake, QC which would have allowed us to go on to St. Omer without having to go all the way west to #230 and the St. Lawrence on paved roads. We made it until the trail disappeared into bush, roughly 10 km short of East Lake. We then had to turn around, go all the way back and out to #230 to make it to our destination of Mt. Orford NP. Has anybody made it through? 

I use Myroute to plan trips and tracks, then transfer to my garmin BMW Nav 5 -- the tracks do not transfer well, and often alter my planned routes, trying to redirect us to slab rather than the backroads we want. I have included pictures of the track from Myroute. If anybody has made it through and can make the track available it would be much appreciated. I think this would be a step forward for adv riders in the region, as it would cut out the need to go needlessly west before heading south. 

The ride from Pohenegamook to where we made it was excellent. It starts as a very straight, wide dirt/gravel mix, but gets smaller and smaller with ups and downs and lots of twists, until you are really on more of a hunting trail. You will pass maple syrup operations and some pretty remote hunting cabins. We made it to a point where the track was badly overgrown and we lost it -- the gps was not showing the track so we were kaput. 





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niveau 2 pas mal partout, sauf a la traverse de rivière (ruisseau a leau claire - lien ci dessous) ou il faut descendre et monter sur une rive boueuse, traverser un lit de roches comme des oranges et grimper un escarpement a un bon 30 degres. Il y avait un bon 15pouce d'eau en aout dernier. En fait il y a 2 place pour traverser, celle dans le lit d'oranges, cest plus facile. L'autre plus au sud est vraiment limoneuse et grosse roches, mais pas de boue.

Knobbies obligatoire. En plus le chemin est souvent fendu par les crues, ca change a chaque annee.



trk eau claire.gpx

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