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Mises à jour de status posted by bourgognais

  1. 'Tis but a scratch

  2. The rain in Spain falls mainly in Montreal

  3. In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen

  4. You woke up this morning the world turned upside down

  5. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

  6. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain

  7. Tis but a scratch...

  8. Say No! to snow.

  9. Fly like an eagle, land like a pelican :(

  10. I was dreaming of a white Christmas, not a white spring...

  11. Plus ça approche, plus ça tombe…

  12. Le compte à rebours est commencé...

  13. Météorites à gogo

  14. Candidat à la papauté 2013

  15. Smash, smash, semmmash!

  16. Bientôt le salon!

  17. On pêche le saumon sur la rue Mctavish

  18. l'alcool non! L'eau ferrugineuse oui!

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