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Mises à jour de status posted by bourgognais

  1. Quel sapin what's happen?

  2. Say No! to snow.

  3. shake, rattle and roll

  4. Si j'avais plus de gazoline je monterais toutes les belles collines

  5. Smash, smash, semmmash!

  6. survivant de la fin du monde

  7. The rain in Spain falls mainly in Montreal

  8. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

  9. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain

  10. Tis but a scratch...

  11. un kilomètre a pied ça use les souliers!

  12. Un petit vent d'automne. déjà

  13. y d'la rumba dans l'air

  14. You woke up this morning the world turned upside down

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