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Toute les publications en date du Fardoche

  1. peut-êtrte une clutch cvtech règlerait le problème, si disponible
  2. ça doit être spécial de voir le thermomètre! le plus bas que j'ai vu c'est -37 en 2009 je crois, ici à thetford
  3. Fardoche

    Bonne Année

    Bonne année!! du bonheur!!
  4. ça donne le goût, un jours peut-être
  5. mais en que ça change le point de vue!! que du plaisir et plein de nouveau terrain de jeux
  6. Bonne année toi aussi et toutes la gang de Ridaventure! il y a un restaurant à thetford-Mines qui s'appelle le maudit français, est-ce toi?
  7. ça dépend de qu'est-ce que tu veut faire, mais si tu veut faire de la route , je prendrais la 1200
  8. pas pire et il y a une surprise à 4 min. 40[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmKKaf2F6uk[/media]
  9. heuh!? c'est pas, ____tu veut dire??__non non c'est pas eux?? c'est des comédiens pour le vidéo!? à moins qu'ils aient beaucoup maigris ha ha!! À moins que je trompe par ce que je les connais pas , mais c'est eux
  10. Super!! vous avez l'air vraiment heureux!! comme vous faite des envieux!! très belle photos!! Chanceux!!!!!
  11. ouin, à gros coup de bedaine sur le pieds du micro, haaa!! toute habillé en blanc!
  12. ça me fait penser à l'heure jmp. vous savez on flash les lumières. Pour ceux qui sont pas du Québec, c'étais un humoriste qui avait un émission à la t.v. qui demandait au monde de flashé les lumières de leurs demeures. Et ça pognait!! les lumières clignotaient partout!!
  13. ouin, bon, oookk, j'aurais du googlé , pas pensé ScienceNissan Develops Color Changing Paint for Vehicles Brandon Hill (Blog) -November 9, 2007 11:39 AM Print 105 comment(s) - last bysprockkets.. onNov 21 at 2:03 AM Drivers will be able to change their vehicle color at the flip of a switch Nissan is truly doing wonderful things in the automotive arena. The company recently unveiled its highly-anticipated 2009 GT-R. The vehicle pumps out an impressive 473 HP and an equally impressive 434 lb-ft of twist from its twin-turbocharged 3.8-liter V6 engine. Now that development is winding down for what is likely Nissan's most advanced road car ever, the Japanese-based company is turning its attention to more "mundane" matters when it comes to choosing a vehicle: color. Choosing a color when purchasing a new vehicle can be a gut-wrenching endeavor. Many cars look good in black, but the color is a pain to keep clean. Silver often best shows off the curves of a vehicle, but everyone chooses silver these days. Pick a color like beige, and you'll blend in with the rest of the anonymous Toyota Camrys darting in and out of traffic with the right blinker still on. Nissan hopes to give car buyers the ability to choose whatever color they like for their vehicle -- at any time. Nissan has developed what it calls a "paramagnetic" paint coating -- a unique polymer layer which features iron oxide particles is applied to the vehicle body. When an electric current is applied to the polymer layer, the crystals in the polymer are then interpreted by the human eye as different colors. Depending on the level of current and the spacing of the crystals, a wide gamut of colors can be selected by the driver. However, since a steady current is needed to maintain the color effect, the paramagnetic paint doesn't work when the vehicle is turned off -- instead, the vehicle would revert back to a default white color. If you may recall, Ford offered a similar paint option on its mid-90s Mustang GT and Cobra (Mystic) and 2004 Mustang Cobras (Mystychrome). In both cases, the vehicle appeared to be either green or purple depending on the viewing angle. Nissan is hard at work on the paramagnetic paint and hopes to have it on production vehicles by 2010. Paramagnetic paint isn't the first time that Nissan had ventured into ways to improve paint technology. The company also developed a self-healing "Scratch Guard Coat" to apply vehicle paint. Thanks to the advanced coating, vehicle are nearly impervious to superficial scratches caused by carwash brushes, fingernails or other minor surface scratches. Any scratches that are made on the vehicle are "healed" within one day to a week depending on the depth of the scratch. Nissan's Scratch Guard Coat is currently available on the 2008 Infiniti EX35 luxury crossover utility vehicle. Comments Threshold -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 This article is over a month old, voting and posting comments is disabled <a id="tCollapseLink" style="color: rgb(81, 136, 180);"> 434 lb-f
  14. pourtant? Scientists Develop Auto Paint That Changes Color With the Press of a Button Shopping for a car will never be the same as scientists have developed a new form of auto paint that changes color with the touch of a button. This revolutionary new paramagnetic paint is a technical wonder and is viewed by Nissan and other auto companies as an amazing innovation that would draw huge traffic to dealerships and will make it easier for consumers to get the exact option level they want on a car without the sacrifice of their favorite color. Research with this new science of special light reflecting coatings has been going on for years and there have been several different approaches used to achieve the effect but recent breakthroughs have taken it out of the laboratory and into a real commercial product for large scale applications. The process starts out with a standard galvanized piece of automotive sheet metal steel. A special polymer is applied to the steel with superparamagnetic iron oxide particles embedded within it. The nanoscale crystalline particles of magnetite (iron oxide) are controlled using a low grade magnetic field which is used to effect the spacing of the colloidal crystals and thereby controlling their ability to reflect light and change color. The coatings are perfect for an automotive application because a continuous small magnetic charge is needed to keep the desired color active and the driver also has the ability to turn off the system at which time the vehicle turns back to its default color of white. The coating has the ability to reproduce the full spectrum of colors and can change to a specific color in about a second. The actual materials used in the process are not expensive and are non-toxic. A special hard clearcote is used to seal and protect the surface and testing has shown that the color consistency of the finish is uniform even with the sharp creases and severe bends utilized in the exterior of automotive panels. With progress continuing on current levels paramagnetic paint could make it’s appearance on some models by 2010
  15. bonnn, encore des gu gus truque informatique. ça avait l,air vraie dans la..... a pis fuck
  16. Hé ben! vraiment! et ça fait déjà un boute que c'est inventé!? 2010?., Le problème, s'il en est un, tu va toujours voir ton auto blanche quand tes pas au volant, sauf dans les vitrines de magasin quand tu conduit
  17. ça va être plate pour les polices ha ha!! c,étais un char rouge... euh non vert..... peut-être bleu... ha pis euh une corolla
  18. wow!! capoté ben raide!! comment ça coute? c'est tu au point completement. qu'est-ce qui dit? il y aurait des particule qui changerait de position par un champs magnétique? controlé par le chauffeur?
  19. humm... ouin.... ça dépand comment qu'on voit ça. Quand tu es de la gauche et syndicaliste, tu peut avoir d,autre opignions. Sur que j'appuis pas les sans emplois qui font rien pour se trouvé un emploi, bon , entk. Des pas bon il y en a dans toutes les classes sociales
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