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J'ai trouvé ça sur ebay. J'aime bien la dernière fonction (quoique la traduction au complet est assez savoureuse)



Unique invincible blasting flash function


Est-ce que ça veut dire que quand les lumières flashent on devient invincible?


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On June 18, 1983, Sally Ride became the first American woman to fly in space when the space shuttle Challenger launched on mission STS-7 from Pad 39A, Kennedy Space Center. One of her jobs was to call out "Roll program" seven seconds after launch. "I'll guarantee that those were the hardest words I ever had to get out of my mouth," she said later.s83-35620-3k.jpg

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NASA astronaut Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) captured photographs and video of auroras from the International Space Station on June 22, 2015. Kelly wrote, "Yesterday's aurora was an impressive show from 250 miles up. Good morning from the International Space Station! ‪#‎YearInSpace‬"

Image Credit: NASA


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NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly captured this photo of an aurora from the International Space Station on June 23, 2015. The dancing lights of the aurora provide spectacular views on the ground, but also capture the imagination of scientists who study incoming energy and particles from the sun.


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Astronaut Ron Garan tweeted this image from the International Space Station in August, 2011, writing, “What a `Shooting Star’ looks like from space, taken yesterday during Perseid Meteor Shower.” A special camera to record meteor showers will launch to the station aboard SpaceX's Dragon cargo craft, currently scheduled to launch on June 28, 2015.


Édité par jflecours
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  • 4 weeks later...

The International Space Station, with a crew of six onboard, is seen in silhouette as it transits the moon at roughly five miles per second, Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015, Woodford, VA.



Édité par jflecours
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Ma fidele 650L 1999 . La machine que j'ai le plus battue , elle m'a jamais laissé tomber. 35000km : au moins une dizaine de rubbers en arrière , 4 en avant, 2 sets de sprockets avec chaine. 2 spark plugs .Des filtres pis de l'huile...that's it.


Je l'ai laissé tomber apres une couple de pirouettes , pour me retrouver avec une routiere de pepere.


Traitez-moi de retard, mais j'en prendrais une autre . Pas une bombe , mais ca suivait raisonablement les autres , meme que mes potes en etaient quasiment surpris dme voir arriver avant que la poussiere retombe.


I miss ma vieille XR650L.




Édité par grosjo
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Hahahahaha lol

Misère!! J'étais entrain de mourir ce matin là

Il devait etre pas plus de 10 am, nous étions à Las Vegas ds la Strato... Pour ceux qui ne savent pas comment c'est haut, qd les helicos te passe sous les pieds et sont dejas petite .. Ouias C ca :D/>


Mais j'ai le vertige lol

Vous auriez du voir les gens qui regardait ma photo la bas, j'ai failli faire la Manchette moi aussi.


Tres beau souvenir



Hahahahaha lo

Misère!! J'étais entrain de mourir ce matin là

Il devait etre pas de 10 am, nous étions à Las Vegas ds la Strato... Pour ceux qui ne savent pas comment c'est haut, qd les helicos te passe sous les pieds et sont dejas petite .. Ouias C ca :D/>


Mais j'ai le vertige lol

Vous auriez du voir les gems qui regardait ma photo la bas, j'ai failli faire la Manchette moi aussi.


Tres beau souvenir


Édité par liguorienne
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T'a d'l'air pas mal bin dans ta Adult rush rocking-chair....

La sieste après le grand Rush d'la rocking-chair.


Ambiance Cracker Barrel em3600
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hubble_friday_08072015.jpgThis colorful bubble is a planetary nebula called NGC 6818, also known as the Little Gem Nebula. It is located in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer), roughly 6,000 light-years away from us. The rich glow of the cloud is just over half a light-year across — humongous compared to its tiny central star — but still a little gem on a cosmic scale.


When stars like the sun enter "retirement," they shed their outer layers into space to create glowing clouds of gas called planetary nebulae. This ejection of mass is uneven, and planetary nebulae can have very complex shapes. NGC 6818 shows knotty filament-like structures and distinct layers of material, with a bright and enclosed central bubble surrounded by a larger, more diffuse cloud.


Scientists believe that the stellar wind from the central star propels the outflowing material, sculpting the elongated shape of NGC 6818. As this fast wind smashes through the slower-moving cloud it creates particularly bright blowouts at the bubble’s outer layers.


Hubble previously imaged this nebula back in 1997 with its Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, using a mix of filters that highlighted emission from ionized oxygen and hydrogen. This image, while from the same camera, uses different filters to reveal a different view of the nebula.

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt

Text credit: European Space Agency

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Ces motos coursent encore. Souvent avec les mêmes pilotes.



oui, mais la j'ai l'impression que ce n'est pas du recent
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